Remote Pilot Training & Remote Maintenance Technicians And Qualified Pre-Flight checks are critical RPC LIcence in hand RMT INstructor paying attention Focussed on flying Focus while training Instructing on Drones REMOTE MAINTENANCE tECHNICIANS Checking before takeoff Proud of their licence Doing the repair Safety always a priority Mix before applying Making sure that it is mixed properly Putting things together Apply the resin Everystudent gets to do their bit Fibreglass and composite work Involve me and I learn Basic before you start Understanding repair & fault finding of drones Tools are a definite How does the drone work lectures Show me, tell me and then involve me Understanding how everything works Doing the actual practical Every student gets a chance Do it as many times as you need to Mastering the repair Hands on teaching Cabin Crew 2023 Waiting to write at SACAA Qualified Cabin Crew 2023 Qualified Cabin Crew 2023 Ditching Ditchng Ditching Qualified Cabin Crew 2023 100% Pass Rate Super excited Qualified Cabin Crew SOme fun in the hanger Hapiness and Qualified 2023 Training in our hall Training in the classroom Practicing in a raft Getting ready to write final exam Smiles in the classroom Fun while training Training in our mock up Happy in the hanger Graduation November 2023 Top Performer Nov 2023 Graduation November 2023 Graduation November 2023 Graduation November 2023 Graduation November 2023 Graduation November 2023 Graduation November 2023 Graduation November 2023 Graduation November 2023 The "Premier" Aviation Academy Brand TAOA Scarf for the Ladies TAOA Tie for the Gentlemen August 2020 Male Gradutes August 2020 Female Graduates Waiting in the line to write the final SACAA exam TAOA August 2020 Qualified Cabin Crew Members Cabin Crew Training Watching fellow students Jump and Slide Training assisting passenger Jump and Slide Training Jump and Slide Training Aircraft Training Inside Aircraft Training Ditching Training Ditching Training Our students training and having fun All ready to write SA CAA Exam They Passed All ready to write SA CAA exam They Passed Okay it is sort of an aircraft A plane has wings Because we can pose Classroom Friends gather over a meal Lunch is awesome Engaged in the training Listening to the training session Making & meeting new friends Class is exciting Training on the aircraft Fire Fighting can be fun Into the aircraft we go Ditching training is cool Enjoying the surroundings Valentines at TAOA Lunch on Valentines Day Students love TAOA Training in the mock up area This is possible trouble Mmm, what are they up to Catching up time Quick meeting in the foyer Students having fun Reception Area for The Academy of Aviation Our own BOMA Our March 2020 Northern Cape ASHAP/FACT - Aviation School Holiday Awareness Programme Learners from NC region Talking to our permanent students Exploring the swimming pool area Having a chat in front of the building ASHAP/FACT group doing ice breakers Fun games for ASHAP/FACT students Everyone joining in Bronson explaining Bronson doing his dash ASHAP/FACT group doing activities Our NC ASHAP/FACT group Visit to OR Tambo O R Tambo was interesting ASHAP/FACT group at O R Tambo Up and down the escalators This was just before COVID-19 & precautions were key Branded by TAOA SO much to see Watching the aircraft on the tarmac Emirates Airline Captain Pilot smiled for us